Предпазват ли ваксините от инфекциозни болести?
В инфографиката по-горе са представени данни от смъртността и въвеждането на ваксинации при основните инфекциозни болести. Изводите по-добре си направете сами.
(1) (Damien B, Huiss S, Schneider F, Muller : Estimated susceptibility to asymptomatic secondary immune response against measles in late convalescent and vaccinated persons.CP.J Med Virol 1998 Sep;56(1):85-90);
(2) Zimmermann H, Matter HC, Kiener T:Mumps
epidemiology in Switzerland: results from the Sentinella surveillance system 1986-1993. Sentinella Work Group]Soz Praventivmed. 1995;40(2):80-92;
(3) Routine oder Individualisation Eine Standortbestimmung aus hausärztlicher Sicht, 2. Auflage 2000, Arbeitsgruppe
für differnenzierte Impfungen, S. 21);
(4) bmgs.bund.de/deu/gra/themen/forschung/2305_2590.php?navpos=rechts;
(a) Bulletin of the World Health Organization Past issues Volume 86: 2008 Volume 86, Number 2, February 2008, 81-160;
(b) The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – http://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html.;
(c) Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008;(2);
(d) National Childhood Vaccine Injury Actof 1986.; (e) British Medical Journal 283:696-697, 1981.
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